Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb 3 - Day 2 - Case 1-2 continue

Man the 2nd case went by faster than I remembered. I would estimate that it took me at least an hour and a half to complete it. Not only is the investigation parts introduced to us in this case, We also would have our first court battle against Edgeworth in this case, and he proves to be alot more fun to tangle with than Payne in the last case. He was quite persistent as well with the way he objects constantly. After tearing apart our true culprits testimonies again and again we finally win the case, of course we couldn't call this case a true victory for Phoenix since he was bailed out at the last second by a friend.

The conclusion of the case is also marks where Maya officially becomes Phoenix's sidekick/partner and we also get to hear one of my favorite themes to the game "Turnabout sisters" ^_^

Overall due to me once again mixing up the evidence in the final court procedure I made one error. Meh it's no biggy though it was still fun. Now to move on to the third case.


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